At Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 22:43:25 Jocelyn wrote: >why does this happen to 'bowling for soup'? > >this is just a rhetorical question, of course. i know, >i know. but it was just weird. are these guys popular >or something? i don't listen to the radio. i'm out of >the loop. but for one song, i'm like...okay. there's >a hook, mediocre or not, i'm singing along. damnit. I don't think it's anything conspiratorial or underhanded. Kilborn fills a spot in late night TV that the more popular Dave and Jay don't wanna touch. Can't remember the name of the fellow that starred along with Gerry O'Connell in Kangaroo Jack but apparently Kilborn was the only talk show that would let him on the air....because he was black!! [not my words, they were his]. But, I digress... Kilborn seems to sit in the same position as Canada's own late night rube Mike Bullard. No one at the network bothers them so they basically just put on the air whatever strikes their fancy. I've had three of my label's acts on Bullard. I've had major label reps call me up and ask me how the hell I did it....well, I sent the production manager a press kit, followed that up with calls, and viola....on the air (Killer Dwarfs, Honeymoon Suite and Goddo). Of course, these acts were once "somebodies", but still....Kilborn may have just liked 'Bowling For Soup'....or the band's management was persistant. But then radio in the US is fuelled by payola so maybe Bowling For Soup paid everyone off at the Late Late Show and the rest is micro-history. :-) Jaimie Vernon, President, #1 West Hill Dr., Toronto, ON M1E 3T4 Canada (416) 284-7067 _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.