man. i don't watch late night tv too much. well, not network late night tv. so, i decide, i'm going to turn on the tv just now. flip, flip. boom. here's kilborn holding up a cd, saying 'bowling for soup...' i think that's the name of the band.... here they are.... some punk-y band kicking it in. i stick around. the lead guy. he sounds all scratchy voiced. the music seems fairly samey to all the other stuff i've heard on the radio these days. that green day, blink 182, weezer thing...right?? the bass player comes in with vocals...he's actually got the voice of the two. the other guitar player is real interesting to look at when they show him. he's massive. very very large. i haven't seen someone who looks like that in a rock band. good for him! rock on, dude! drummer looks like average local suburban guy. they continue playing about some girl who listens to rap metal...turntables...fishnets...he wants to see her naked.... i'm this as good as it gets? these guys get to be on kilborn?? granted, it's kilborn, and man, why didn't he just stick on the daily show?? (oh, cause jon stewart's so much better..sometimes, when god closes a door, he opens another.....) but, it's still national tv and why aren't any of our bands on here if THIS is making it. who did these guys pay? how did they get to this point? they aren't even that cute or hot or whatever? i mean, it's not THAT good... but, by the end of it all...i'm sort of there... 'she's the girl all the bad guys want..' i'm listening to the melody and thinking 'this is just regular old rock and roll stuff over punk. why doesn't anyone just figure this out?? it's POP POP POP!!!!' they break it down at one point...and i'm so caught then... and then they finish and go to straight to commercial and i run over here to rant but i'm still going 'she's the girl all the bad guys want.' why does this happen to 'bowling for soup'? this is just a rhetorical question, of course. i know, i know. but it was just weird. are these guys popular or something? i don't listen to the radio. i'm out of the loop. but for one song, i'm like...okay. there's a hook, mediocre or not, i'm singing along. damnit. jocelyn __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.