A hearty ditto on Rooney. I just put their song "Blueside" on a mixtape I made for a friend. Worth noting: Rooney member Robert Carmine changed his name. His original first name is Schwartzmann... son of Talia Shire, and brother of Phantom Planet's (and "Rushmore's") Jason Schwartzmann. Talented family, no? A On Thu, 22 May 2003, David Bash wrote: > I just got the new CD by Lynchpin, called Hand Picked-Words. Man, it's even > better than their last one! Wonderful harmonies a la Crowded House, and > very solid songwriting ranging from mature ballads to energized modern rock. > > Also, the debut CD by Rooney was released on Tuesday. I raved about these > guys a few months ago when I first heard an advance of the album, and I'd > just like to reiterate my enthusiasm for these guys. I'm still amazed at > how savvy these youngsters are, and how well versed they are in the nuances > of great pop music. Excellent modern pop which brings traditional > sensibilities headlong into today. > -- > Pop Rules!!!!! > Take Care, > David > >