At 05:27 PM 5/21/2003 -0400, wrote: >After two listens, I can say that the title Go Insane is very appropriate. >It sounded like he was going insane. It sounds like a mish mash of song >ideas that were not fully realized, that were way over produced in the >studio. What was he thinking. Was this some type of vanity project or >something self indulgent? What is his other solo material like? Pretty much like this. Even a lot of his Fleetwood Mac material is on the weird side -- nothing on any of his solo albums is as flat-out strange as "Tusk" or the live version of "Not That Funny" -- and his solo records let his devotion to Brian Wilson's '67-'73 period run rampant. > >My first exposure to the Lindsey Buckingham was with the 45 of Kind of a >Drag by the Buckingham Nicks from the 60's when I was a very young child. That's the Buckinghams. Who have nothing to do with Lindsey. S