And if you think the tornadoes are fun...just wait until those 95 degree/95% humidity days start with a vengeance! The air there in the summer AM is so "thick" with humidity you can slice it with a knife. (this is one reason that I moved away to Colorado where humidity is nearly non-existent) A bit of history in the pop realm from that area...The Who played at one of the Shawnee Mission (East, South, north, West) high school dances in about 1967. Over on the Missouri side...we had 'Frigid Pink" (anyone remember their cover of "House of the Rising Sun"?) in our school auditorium in about '72-73 or so... Ah..."Cowtown". Pat (who was bored and raised in KC for the first 26 years of his life) >From: Gabriel Fuentes >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Early Xmas in KC >Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 20:02:32 -0700 (PDT) > >Well..Since I moved away from the Lipstick a few years ago..I have >experienced a Minnesota winter that ended sometime in June..and now I have >experienced a few tornado warnings in my new home of Prairie Village >Kansas..It is never boring in the Midwest.. I think we need a break here in >the Midwest..and it looks like it is coming in the form of the... THE >CRAMPS!!!.. Oh my gosh..the smell of female is coming to KC..a date with >Elvis is here!!...May 29, 2003...the Cramps at the Madrid..folks in the >area..get your celebrate the Recycled Records 15th Birthday.. I >bought a few tix for my coworkers as well..I am wondering how many of my >corp friends will want to come to this show for free?? I dont care 'bout >any pop playing band right now..It is going to be 2 weeks of the freakin' >Cramps at the Fuentes household.. the Macho man _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*