I am an XTC fan -- not a die-hard, but a fan. I consider their first good album to be Drums & Wires and their run from that album through Skylarking to be among the best of any band that I regularly listen to. "Love on a Farmboy's Wages" is one of my wife's favorite songs to this day, and was influential in our courtship. At the same time, there's so much good music that I've never been one to go out of my way to collect all the ephemera of a band or performer just because it exists. As much as I like the Jellyfish boxset, I don't listen to it much and really only bought it as a vote of support for the band and NotLame as a label. so, having brought forth my failures as a music collector/fetishist, I am intrigued by the Fuzzy Warbles collections. Partially because I really like the idea of buying directly from an artist who's fought so long against the corporate control of his music. But also because I want to have any good music from the XTC catalog that I might be missing. I know that there's been references to these collections, but I don't remember any specific reviews of them. So, what's the content like? Is it chronological? I am not interested in the first disc or two if they are from the White Music/Go 2 era, as i like only a very few of the commercially released tracks from that timeperiod. There was also an XTC boxset that came out a bit ago -- does it have anything vital that isn't already on disc?