> Just curious, what folks on this list think about the > idea of having a band like The Shazam reach a national > audience via a commercial. A beer commercial, at that. In most cases, any more, I can't help but say more power to anyone making a buck off their music, celebrity, what have you...except in the case of those making said bucks off certain companies that represent certain things that I personally feel are countactive to a lot of what I believe in. Beyond the dirty lies and rumors that have gone around about Coors, from what I've read, the Coors family, which has made its fortunes from the brewery, drives the Coors Foundation, which supports a number of causes too far to the right for my personal political comfort. So, you ask me how I feel? I feel a little uncomfortable with John Elway, Magic Johnson, The Shazam, etc selling Coors and helping to fund political causes that I'm opposed to. That's all. I really don't mean to stomp on anyone else's political or musical points of view. I wouldn't burn an album by The Shazam or boycott Not Lame. Jim