Just listening to the new Collector's Choice cd of both "Cypress" and the "Afoot" ep. Great, but too small typel liners--I never knew the band got its name from a Japanese t-shirt with jumbled syntax...I've seen those shirts before so it makes sense now. These tunes which take me back to my college days still sound great to these ears....the ever present Easter guitar jangle, great vocals from Mitch and Faye, lovely textural production and art-rock has worn well and sounds timeless to me despite Mitch calling them "creaky." It's funny they mention that his prog sensibilities came out on Cypress because I always did think Let's Active had a real complexity to it that made them stand out along with the dB's and R.E.M.--my faves during that time and still. A fantastic addition to my collection along with the cc dB's to fer...haven't gotten to the two bonus cuts yet, but I'm sure they will be cool... Brian