I love that Alan Parsons song and video. Most of my favorite videos come from a lot later. I'm not sure all meet your criteria, David Bash, because in some cases I might just like the video as a short film and the music does a nice job of scoring the film. Here is my top 10. 1. Sabotage - Beastie Boys (love the song love the video) 2. Weezer - Buddy Holly - Another Spike Jonze classic 3. Thriller (long format) - Michael Jackson 4. This Note's for You - Neil Young 5. Yankee Rose - David Lee Roth - It was hard to pick a Dave song. They're all so funny. I might have even picked hot for teacher. But this one has the lady that says, "My doctor says I need to buy a laxative." 6. Rockafeller Skank - Fat Boy Slim 7. Mexican Radio - Wall of Voodoo. My hands down winner for best old school MTV no budget video. I love when Stan's face pops out of the beans. 8. Fight the Power - Public Enemy 9. Girls - Dwight Twilley - in Boston we had a broadcast music video channel called V-66 on UHF. They played this video every day when I came home from school and I believe it really did a lot to shape me. They must have had a rotation because they played Dwight Twilley, How Soon is Now? by the Smiths and Come on Eileen every day at the same time for 6 months. I always associate those songs with each other. 10. Rapture - Blondie - I thought Deb was so HOT when I was 10. I thought she was twice as HOT when I was 12. Special mention goes to the Scud Mt. Boys video Penthouse in the Woods. Because I was in it.