>Well....I don't know....I think it is totally a matter >of exposure! My daughters friends all listen to >radio. I can say that 99.9 % of her friends' parents >are not "well versed" in the history of all musical >styles and they were all probably raised on mainstream >radio so their kids only hear what they themselves are >primarily exposed to. My 8 year old not only hears a >ton or "power pop", "rock and roll" "rockabilly" "pop" >"Jazz" "Fusion" "Blues" "Classical" "Opera" >"Showtunes" etc etc at home...she is also exposed to >whatever her classmates hear on the radio as well. >She hasn't folded to peer pressure in the the least. >She honestly does not "get" rap...and hse honestly >does not feel that it has any elements of what she >really likes in music ...that is Melody and Harmony! >She has a good ear! Liking something you've heard on the radio isn't folding to peer pressure. The issue is being able to listen to the radio and say of a particular song, "I don't like that," even though all your friends do. I think it's enviable that your daughter's open to listening to "my parents' music" in the face of her friends, who no doubt tend toward listening simply to what's fed to them by radio and video. If she doesn't "get" rap, then she doesn't "get" rap; that's cool. But I think that, even though one might not "get" it, it's important to acknowledge that it's still music; the definition of music is pretty expansive and rap pretty safely falls into it (even though it's a far cry from power pop)...and it clearly ain't goin' nowhere anytime soon...:-) Besides, saying "rap isn't music" could get you seriously roughed up...