> You know, there are probably plenty of people under the age of, say, 25 who > could say that totally without irony. Like, kids who grew up with Nirvana > and Green Day, and the Beatles to them is what Steve and Edie were to me-- > my PARENTS' uncool music. I recently went to the local "cool" music store (Newbury Comics), to buy up all the Beatles CDs they had on sale. The 20ish looking sales person looks at the Let It Be CD, and starts telling me all about the new CDs that have different mixes of the songs that Spector messed with, and how ao it was cool to hear rawer mixes of songs like "OblaDi Oblada". SAY WHAT? So I think it's a misconception that young people think that old music is uncool. The problem is that starting sometime in the 1930s, censorship started to rule the movies and the radio, and that created a lot of sanitized movies and music, that lasted into the 1950s, and that's what created the big difference in musical tastes. Take a listen to early Cab Calloway, like his CD "Are You Hep to the Jive", to get a feel of what it was like in the early part of the 1930s. He even might have coined the term "rock", as he has a song "I Want to Rock". I'll bet rock music would have arrived much earlier if not for censorship. (as an aside, watch Fred Astaire's first movie "The Gay Divorcee" from 1934, and see how risque that is, compared to his later movies, but I digress...) Mark