> Sorry, I'm nowhere near as illustrious as Mr. Nicholson ... Pffft. I was so illustrious today when my Diet Cheerwine exploded in the car all over my clothes. Of all the people in that Let's Active camp, I'd say I know Sara the least or really not at all. I chatted with her about 23 years ago when she was the drummer for her then 14-year-old brother's band Crash Landon & the Kamikazees. Her brother being the ever enigmatic Dexter Romweber - he of Flat Duo jets fame. She was like 15 and I was maybe 17. Brunson, mi amigo & the Stratocruiser drummer, is chummy with her. I did hear she works at the Explorium but have never seen her there. That is a marvelous music store, BTW. No guitars, per se, but lots and lots of groovy percussion & theremins galore. I think most of the other L. Active folks are around NC. Eric Marshall still plays with Mitch & Shalini in their two groups, Shalini & The Fiendish Minstrels (!). Jon Heames teaches guitar in Raleigh and plays out with various folks. Lynn Blakey lives in Chapel Hill and is Chris Stamey's kid's nanny. She fronts the most excellent Glory Fountain. Eric Peterson was in the hep combo Morris and may still be. I think Faye lives in Tennessee but rumors abound of her return to the Old North State. Last I saw her she was in the Wygals with Gene Holder in like1988. Dennis Ambrose lives in NJ and plays with the Grip Weeds and maybe still rock the bass with George Usher. Mitch, of course, has the most bad-ass studio on the planet and probably would be a bit embarrased by his proclaimed god-like status on this very list. >Sleep Well ~ Don't Burst I am an insomniac with exploding soda bottles, so... M