In a message dated 4/28/03 1:59:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I posted this a few weeks ago; and here it > is again for my 2 cents on the whole issue... > > As far as I can tell the White Stripes are edging closer to > that Radiohead "hype camp"...where it's almost to the point > where either band could fart into a bag and critics call > it genius. Yeah...'Elephant' is an OK rock record and they're > all bad ass for using pre-1963 equipment yadda...yadda, but > come on! Meg White plays drums like Bobby Brady...and does > Jack White really have *THAT* much interesting to say musically? Well, yes, I think so, but I respect where you're coming from. From my familiarity with the Spinning Jennies and with that letter to the editor that you had in Spin awhile ago, I can tell that you're the kind of guy who really needs good production values, and musicians who can *really* play. Those are plenty worthwhile attributes, and while Jack can play, Meg sorta can't, and in production terms the White Stripes are pretty raw... which is a thing in and of itself, but again... if you like crisp, clean production, it won't be for you. I can tell you're more of a Queens of the Stone Age guy, and that's cool too.. I think there are many who feel the same way. To each their own. But I think the White Stripes are pretty damn brilliant, and I think "Elephant" is one of the best truly mainstream albums to come along in awhile. > And Rolling Stone's 5-star review is just pandering for "hip" factor as > far as I'm concerned. SOOO agreed. I've tried my damnedest to defend Rolling Stone, but when it comes to their 5 star reviews, I can't. They clearly dole them out to whatever they feel they need to dole them out to. Last year it was Springsteen (and reception of his album was chilly from some quarters!) and Beck (whose album many, many fans didn't even like). It's hard, because at this point there's a cache that comes with having a 5 star review, and I think RS just gets too wrapped up in making a "statement" with them. But frankly, their "hip" factor is long, long gone. No one who is "hip" takes them seriously anymore. And to respond to an older post, by MB: <> Yeah, don't you just hate ageism? Those damn young people ruin everything. I hope my point is taken. --Jason