Todd: Consider yourself lucky to see Shoes Live! I live in Mpls, and could not make the trip to IPO in Chicago. I saw the band Live several times back in their "Glory Days". Twice during their Tongue Twister tour in late 1980 and then in 1981. Saw them play a club show at First Avenue (Mpls) during the Boomerang Tour in 1982. They were great high energy Concerts that impressed me. Back then the band would mingle with the Fans after the shows. I seem to remember sharing a few beers the Murphy brothers and Gary Klebe chatting about music. I would also recommend the Boomerang album (recorded in 1982). The CD release includes the rare 6 song bonus EP "Shoes on Ice" (a Live recording from the Zion Ice Arena). "Stolen Wishes" (1989) has some great songs like: "Let it Go", "Never had it Better" and "Love is Like a Bullet". Their most recent CD "Propeller" is excellent as well featuring the single; "Tore a Hole". The entire catalog should be available from their website: Glad you enjoyed the Concert...and I'm jealous! Don In a message dated 4/28/03 12:00:37 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Subject: The Shoes Sat. at IPO > Message-ID: <> > > Someone mentioned no one became a Shoes fan Sat. night? > I have a confession I have never heard any of the > Shoes songs until Saturday night. I guess living 2 > hours from Chicago has kept me sheltered. > > Can anyone suggest which Shoes CDs to get that might > represent more of what I heard Sat? Thanks and God > Bless. > > Todd > >