They remind me a lot of The Move, circa Shazam! This album came out in 1998, and if they've done anything since, I've never been able to find it. Last summer, I came across a posting on a bulletin board that they were coming out with something in winter '02, but this may be that rare case of something on the Internet being inaccurate. >Anyone familiar with this band? I picked up their CD on eBay for the bargain price of 1 cent, based on a rave review in a back issue of PopSided, and I'm really impressed with it. They sound like they're probably familiar with the soundtrack to "Velvet Goldmine," so glam is the general sound, and I'm also reminded of the British band My Life Story, too. If can be trusted (and they often can), this is the band's only album, but I'm wondering if they're even still in existence...<; "I haven't felt this good since we stole the 2000 election." -- Ned Flanders