In a message dated 4/28/03 12:37:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, seamand@MSX.UPMC.EDU writes: << I think that hype generally doesn't bother me, and that likely places me in a distinct minority here, but I think that with the White Stripes.. well, the hype seems to be pretty amusing. One of the things I like about them is that >> Even though I'm quite aware of the hype it doesn't really bug me. I just let it roll off my back because I like their music and I think that Meg is soooo sexy sweet looking. Lol! As far as feeling/being too old to play rock & roll well....there are plenty of older guys still playing and performing very vital music. Who the hell in their right mind would want to appeal/compete with a "kids" market anyway. That's kinda retarded to me especially considering the CRAP that you would have to compete against. MB