>Well, for those DC popsters that weren't lucky enough >to make it to the Dewey Beach festival, there was a >last-minute show done by Adam Marsland down at the >Luna Park Grille in Arlington. And there was also a very nice show by Adam at Cora in Norfolk on Friday night...:-) >All I got to say is "wow". This one man-band managed >to entertain not only us loyal popsters, but also the >strange drunks that wandered into the bar (i.e. there >was a Tony Iommi look-alike AND a "Big Bopper" >look-alike). In the first set, Adam performed his own >material (including my fave, "Ludlow 3:16"). >EENYway, Adam came on for a second set and did >something fun: he had everyone in the bar write down >song requests on napkins and dollar bills as we played >"stump the band" (which was really just Adam). I suppose I was the only true "loyal popster" in the audience, although the crowd at the bar were very appreciate and seemed to enjoy everything Adam played, both originals and covers. My wife still has "Burning Me Out Of The Record Store" stuck in her head as of this morning, leading her to take the "Ludlow 3:16" CD to the office with her; that's gotta be a good sign. As far as the covers, Adam managed to perform everything that was thrown at him, barring a couple of substitutions. For instance, the chord changes on "Rocket Man" proved too infuriating, so he went with "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" instead. But, ironically, I stumped him with a song that Cockeyed Ghost actually RECORDED: "Back On My Feet," from the Paul McCartney tribute album, "Coming Up." He apologized profusely and went with "Live and Let Die," which was a fine substitute. He also managed Culture Club ("Do You Really Want To Hurt Me"), Adam Ant ("Goody Two Shoes"), an awesome Howard Jones ("No One Is To Blame"), and a punked-up "Jessie's Girl." If you get a chance to catch Adam on tour, do so; it's well worth your time...:-)