And this so unique to people on the Audities list. Give me a fucking break. Folks who espouse the thoughts noted below are not unique to the Audities list. Jesus Christ, the whole of indie rock is crawling with people bitter because their favorites aren't more popular and someone else is and loathe anything that sells well...just because. And I find this indie rock attitude to be tiresome. A corollary is the tiresome "Band A is great and Bands B, C and D suck". Like THe Soundtrack of our Lives rule, unlike those pretenders like The White Stripes, The Hives, and The Vines. Can't folks express their like for a band without accompanying disdain for their contemporaries. Mike Bennett >Yes, but that's because there's a small but vocal subset of Auditeers who, >for all they wail that "[INSERT BAND HERE] would be bigger than Britney if >they just got the promotion!," are the same ones who would immediately say >"[INSERT BAND HERE] sucks!" if they got even the slightest bit of >mainstream commercial attention. Because then they wouldn't be their own >little pocket band anymore. > >Apparently, all bands that sell records suck. Which means that if the >Beatles showed up today, many Auditeers would hate them on general >principles, a fact that amuses me no end. > >S > > > > _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.