> From: DanAbnrml9@aol.com > Reply-To: audities@smoe.org > Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:57:41 -0400 (EDT) > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: Re: The Next Big Thing IS..... > > But realistically, the now-18-month-old "the" band/garage rock thing was the > reaction against THAT, and that scene has already wore out its welcome (I > mean no knocks against the Strokes or the White Stripes or many of the other > better bands to come along, but there's just too many--the Datsuns, D4, etc > etc--that make no real impact. And whatever happened to the Hives? They were > forgotten FAST). Hey Dan, The only thing that's the same is change or at least the perception of it and the hottest new trend is a sometimes thought to be a great new inventiom by the masses. There more I listen to music, there more I don't much difference between the most varied kinds of music, from classical to country. Personally, I think all of these trends and bands will be forgotten very fast although they obviously have great merit right now or they would not be here and thriving to some extent. Pop seems to live on but it's a matter of how it's cloaked and I think that will always change so as to be palatable to the kids' tastes of the day,tastes that are created by the mass media but tastes nevertheless. Mike V.