In a message dated 4/25/03 9:01:09 PM, writes: << But when radio conglomorates such as Cumulus Media or even Clear Channel, which stand to benefit from administration policy on deregulation and other issues, start banning the band, >> How is this different from blacklisting? Lets just say that Wouldn't it be great if the Chicks lose the audience that wanted to believe they were Right winged freedom fighters. And lets say they go on to sell 1 or 2 million of their next record which Include songs about the controversy Rumors II How's that for a title? And then eventually that new fan base starts growing form people that are about appreciating the music and secure enough in there lives to understand the difference between music and an individuals opinion. Anyway I can't help believe all is well! Now if only it were The Donnas on that cover mb np Dixie Chicken Little Feet