That article Gary Pig Gold linked to was highly inaccurate. While I don't like Worley's song, I saw him interviewed, and he said that he wrote it after 9/11 in reference to the military action in Afghanistan; at the time it wasn't meant to have anything to do with Iraq. (Granted, its popularity now might confuse the issue.) Somebody mentioned "Okie from Muskogee." There was a PBS show recently celebrating freedom of speech that had a bunch of performers doing controversial music. (These performers included Bill Lloyd and Rodney Crowell.) While the gave the most earnest treatment to all kinds of politically correct protest songs, they performed "Okie from Muskogee" as if it were a joke. They didn't do Kinky Friedman's "Asshole from El Paso," though. _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online