On Thu, 24 Apr 2003 Beth2459@aol.com wrote: > beth- who is interested in any reports on the new Evan Dando experience ALSO, > saw this on the club listings --can't go but would be interesting: Since you asked about Evan... I posted a quick summary of his quick appearance at Newbury Comics this past Tuesday night to my Boston Pop list (now conveniently redirected from http://www.bostonpop.org/). The upshot was that he appeared kind of grumpy and out of it, played 4 songs, and then left the stage abruptly. His subsequent cd-signing appearance was cancelled too. Despite my disappointment, I bought his cd and am really enjoying it as we speak. Lemonheads fans like me will find it covers some familiar territory -- I read somewhere that Dando's most recent few efforts were essentially solo efforts billed as Lemonheads albums -- but there's an interesting new feel to the material, with more effects, more layering. It sounds like Lemonheads with a twist. Definitely worth buying. Not sure about worth *seeing*, though... A