>From: "Jeff Tolle" >Subject: Woke up in love (with a song) this morning > >Got a riff stuck in my head that I wake up to every Mon morning. Its that >theme song from the (IMO) not so good show on Fox, 'Oliver Beene'. > >However, Like 'Jesse' before it, I watch the first few minuites just to >hear >the the theme song. > This is a really cool theme song. I think the show is very funny. Sort of a Wonder Years of the 60's. Another cool theme song is from the short lived AUSA. This is a REALLY lame show but the when I heard the theme song, it made my head turn. Ends up this tune by ex-Tories Steve Bertrand. Really great tune! And thanks for the link to Coylepop.com. I spent the better part of the day downloading the tunes. Now I will have plenty to listen to :-) Cathy np:Wayoutz - Ballad of Charley Harvey _________________________________________________________________ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail