I do! I do! Since some of their records came out on a Wash. DC based label, I was fortunate enough to see them play out a few times. I love the constant word-play and pun in their songs and the singing is really lovely. "T-Shirt Weather" is one of my favorite songs. Anna --- Andrea Kremer wrote: > > Is anyone on this list into an Australian band > called The Lucksmiths? A > friend with impeccable taste sent me a mix cd > of their stuff, and I'm > really loving it. I'd characterize it as > The-Jam-Meets-Jonathan-Richman, > with a dash of Blue-Thumb-era Candy Butchers. > Sparse arrangements, > upbeat-but-wistful songs, intelligent lyrics > sprinkled with wry puns. > > For the curious, they've got a website right > here: > http://www.thelucksmiths.com.au/ > > Just was wondering if anyone else had > Lucksmiths tales to tell. > > Cheers! > Andrea > ===== http://www.tallboyrecords.com TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo http://search.yahoo.com