~~not offending at all. one of my favorite songs. jocelyn --- "W. Colter" wrote: > > Helpful Hints from Heloise Presents: "Mental Windex" > > Tired of getting tedious songs stuck in your head, > torturing you for hours on end? Then try amazing > "Mental Windex"! Yes, friends, just hum a few bars > of the theme song from the old tv show "The Greatest > American Hero"... and the annoyingly stuck song is > gone forever! > > It's true -- singing "believe it or not I'M walkin' > on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee, > flyin' away on a wing and a prayer... Who could it > be? Believe it or not, it's just MEEEEE" will > actually remove the baked-on residue of other > songs... and then evaporate, leaving no trace of the > offending original song, OR the offending theme song > itself! Miraculous! Effective! One application is > all it takes! > > W. > (Wishing I could bottle and sell it) > P.S. No guarantees that using the George Costanza > version will work. > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo http://search.yahoo.com