IKE are playing IOTA on 5/2 and Fletchers on 5/8 with GetAwayCar (one of the bands i've been talking up a bunch in this area lately). I'll be at both shows, everyone come say hi :) -kev > -----Original Message----- > From: audities-owner@smoe.org > [mailto:audities-owner@smoe.org] On Behalf Of wigout6@juno.com > Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 8:03 PM > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: I Woke Up With IKE > > > > > Since there are a lot of musical types here, I figured I'd > ask you all to see what songs you might have woken up with > this morning, or if that happens to you at all. > > Wow - for once I have something to contribute on a thread, > and I'm only one day behind! My wife and I live outside > Baltimore, and we typically wake to a radio alarm set to > MIX106, one of her favorite pop radio stations. Usually, > she'll hit the snooze button after a few seconds, and I'll > hear just a snippet of a tune. > > This morning, I heard a catchy rockin' song end with "na, > na-na, na-na, na" and the DJ exclaimed, "that's the new one > from IKE, great tune." As my wife was about to hit snoooze, > I practically yelled, "Wait, that's the new Cliff Hillis, > John Faye band!" The guy went on to say that they'll be > playing the upcoming MIXFest in Baltimore. > > I've listened to the John Faye Power Trip and Cliff's Be > Seeing You album many times, and what a thrill it is to hear > a band that you know on the radio for the first time (see, > That Thing You Do). Not exactly sure why, but it seems like > a validation of sorts... My sister recently picked up the > new IKE CD for me at a show, and I mistakenly left it with my > parents in Delaware last weekend before I got to hear it. > The catchiness of that song's last few seconds has me eager > to retrieve it! > > Be seeing you, > Bill > > ________________________________________________________________ > The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! > Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! > Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today! >