> Since there are a lot of musical types here, I figured I'd ask you all to see what songs you might have woken up with this morning, or if that happens to you at all. Wow - for once I have something to contribute on a thread, and I'm only one day behind! My wife and I live outside Baltimore, and we typically wake to a radio alarm set to MIX106, one of her favorite pop radio stations. Usually, she'll hit the snooze button after a few seconds, and I'll hear just a snippet of a tune. This morning, I heard a catchy rockin' song end with "na, na-na, na-na, na" and the DJ exclaimed, "that's the new one from IKE, great tune." As my wife was about to hit snoooze, I practically yelled, "Wait, that's the new Cliff Hillis, John Faye band!" The guy went on to say that they'll be playing the upcoming MIXFest in Baltimore. I've listened to the John Faye Power Trip and Cliff's Be Seeing You album many times, and what a thrill it is to hear a band that you know on the radio for the first time (see, That Thing You Do). Not exactly sure why, but it seems like a validation of sorts... My sister recently picked up the new IKE CD for me at a show, and I mistakenly left it with my parents in Delaware last weekend before I got to hear it. The catchiness of that song's last few seconds has me eager to retrieve it! Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!