From: opining regarding The 'Nells 'And Boylan Heights is even better, IMHO. (Cue Jeff Brenneman . . .)' Of course I wanted to jump all over the initial post regarding The Connells seeing as they, maybe more than any band, stir something up inside. Although I respect Mr. Borack's opinion, I happen to regard all of the albums up to Still Life as masterpieces. Realizing that I'm so UNbiased about this band, I originally decided to refrain from commenting. I just can't imaging someone listening to ONE SIMPLE WORD and not feeling the energy and excitement, but hey, to each his own. Seeing as their last couple of releases didn't register nearly as high as previous offerings, I'm not absolutely sure that staying away from the studio is such a bad idea. But c'mon, GLADIATOR HEART..classic! But yeah, BOYLEAN HEIGHTS amazing! Also, DARKER DAYS, FUN & GAMES, ONE SIMPLE WORD, RING. Even WEIRD FOOD AND DEVASTATION, which I originally disregarded is finding much air play. Maybe there's hope for STILL LIFE & OLD SCHOOL DROPOUTS. As for Soundtrack Of Our Lives, I would certainly add my voice to any who are on the fence about catching them live. I think it was last year when we caught them in a hotel bar in San Diego. THEY ROCKED THE PLACE!! A definite guitar assault. As much as I love their CD's, the live performance was quite inspiring. Not sure how many folks in attendance were familiar with the band's material, but the entire crowd seem to appreciate the show. Even my wife was impressed and she hasn't enjoyed a show to that extent since Zeppelin or Fleetwood Mac 'Rumours' tour. GO! -Jeff Brenneman NP: The Caulfields - whirligig (How many bands HAS John Faye played in?)