Hmmm, I quite liked Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot! Admit to skipping over a track or two now when I listen to it, but I do love several of the other tracks. I think "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart" and "I'm The Man Who Loves You" are great songs. Still may end up checking out the new White Stripes album, though, despite the fact that the Whites pulled all of that annoying nonsense in the press about just what's up with the relationship between Jack and Meg. Talk about a circle jerk. And the hype is waaaay too much. Didn't stop me from going on a wee bit of a road trip early last year to check out their shows in several different states... but the best part, by far, was the opening band-- Brendan Benson and the Well-Fed Boys. I agree with not giving a flip about what Rolling Stone magazine has to say. Frighteningly, I've occasionally read more accurate cd reviews in Vogue. ;) Nicole P.S. Traveling 2 hours to the Mark Bacino show in NY on Friday night was well worth it! His set was far too short, if you ask me, but he sounded amazing. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more