As great as Exile On Main Street is, Sticky Fingers really is a much more concise and complete listening experience. I've always been baffled by the conventional acceptence of Let It Bleed as the other 'best Stones record'. Yeah, I know... Gimme Shelter, Monkey Man, YCAGWYW, etc... And, yes, the SACD reissue of Let It Bleed sounds awsome (for a Stones production, that is) I don't know, maybe if they used Honky Tonk Women instead of Country Honk, it would push it over the edge for me, but I'd rate Sticky Fingers and Exile as my #1 and #2 favorites. Lee >From: "*Bill Holmes*" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Sticky Fingers >Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 13:07:38 -0400 > >No, not more comment on the Dad's Porno Mag cd... > >I'm sure we all pull out an older album once in a while and are catapulted >into another time and space, and/or sometimes we are reminded of just how >"classic" a true classic record is. I had STICKY FINGERS in the changer >because I had just seen the movie Moonlight Mile with my daughter and >wanted >her to hear the full length of the original track (a truncated version >accompanies a great scene in the film). > >WOW...although I always defer to EXILE and FLOWERS and BETWEEN THE BUTTONS >when pinned for my favorite Stones record, I may have to give this serious >thought. What a killer record from head to toe, hitting on all cylinders - >rock, blues, and country. > >I dunno...just had to share the feeling. > >b > _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*