> Hi Shawn, > > You said.. > and one of the biggest complaints > of the rekkidgrrls there is the assumption that, if > you do happen to be knowledgeable and passionate about > music, it must be because a former boyfriend or other > male "trained you" to have good taste. That's > certainly an assumption that has always frustrated me. > > > Shawn, It's nice to her your perspective. That sort of describes my > wife's support and also lack of interest in some of the music I listen > too. My wife and I met about 20 years ago and we happened to have very > similar tastes in music. During the college days we shared much of the > same music tastes (punk, new wave and so on). We still share a love of > some music but some of the stuff I'm now into she just can't get into to. > Some of what I love is just to "light" for her tastes and just doesn't > connect with her emotionally or lyrically. She's still very into music > (probably not as fanatical as I) but she just hasn't followed my path. > Oh, I still try to win her over but with only modest success. > > > Shawn went on.. > > I do think > that, in some ways, much like Madonna, she has always > been in control of the manipulation of her image, and > has a lot of power through that fact. > > > That's true. However, I heard of one admitted misstep is that infomercial > she made a few years back for a friend's cosmetic line. Supposedly, she > had no idea it was going to be played every single night on TV and give > her what amounted to an "over exposure" problem. But, yeah, she's pretty > much done it "her way". > > Steve > >