Between updates on the War in Iraq I'm sure many of you have heard about the latest flu known as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that's about 1,000 cases deep all over the world. Well, seems my house is situated in the epicentre of the disease here in Toronto. Ground zero for the disease is Grace Hospital several blocks away. On March 26 a mother, father and child were admitted after visiting China. The disease spread within the hospital. This family was among the first of 11 fatalities. However, many in the hospital, including staff, left the facility carrying the contagen before health officials could identify confirmed cases from existing symptoms. Others questioned the symptoms and some severe cases were moved to Scarborough Hospital (formerly Centennary)...some children were shipped to Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. These hospitals and several others that were visited by paramedics and police who were in direct contact with patients at Grace (during the "first wave") have been quarentined and remain under-staffed and nearly dormant. I have an aunt who has been refused cancer treatment because hospitals in outlying areas are taking emergency cases only. And those that ARE being admitted are not allowed additional visitors or family access to their rooms. The City of Toronto Health Dept., and now the Ministry of Health, along with the World Health Organization have identified over 100 carriers of the disease and nearly 100 suspected cases to be confirmed in the General Toronto Area. Three individuals have defied the quarantine order from the Health officials and have returned to work....these office buildings and their staff have now been quarantined. Two schools in my neighbourhood (Sandhurst Public and Stephen Leacock Collegiate) have now been shut down and the students told to stay home. My son's school, directly across the street from my house, is now experiencing a huge delinquency rate and many parents have begun sending the kids to school wearing hospital masks. It's just a matter of days before this school is shut down as well. Flights into Canada from the Pacific Rim have either been cancelled or detained pending "cleansing". Mail leaving Toronto since March 26th has been delayed or returned. I understand that Australia and England are now refusing many packages and mail coming from Canada. I apologize to those awaiting shipments from us (including David Bash and Bruce Brodeen). And for those who have lived through the terrorist Anthrax scare, believe me when I say that this respiratory disease is NOT a threat via mail or any other airbourne career. You must come in direct contact with an infected person to catch the disease. Our government has decided to err on the side of caution in this case. We'd like to see this thing eliminated... Just thought folks should know what's going on. Jaimie Vernon, President, #1 West Hill Dr., Toronto, ON M1E 3T4 Canada (416) 284-7067 _________________________________________________________________ Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.