The Soundtrack of Our Lives laid it all out there last night at a packed Bimbo's in SF. Awesome show--- They played with bravado and humor. TSOOL's part of the three band bill went an hour and twenty minutes, but it felt like it flew by. At one point, during "20th Century Rip-Off", the lead singer came down into the standing crowd and played magician. Turning with one motion of his hand, everyone standing on the dance floor fell to the floor, making it look like a reverse wave. The songs sounded great live. TSOOL is one of the best band names and I think one of the most appropriate names, too. They hit you with straight ahead rock and pop, some proggy tilts and some punk styles, too---definitely maing up a good portion of the soundtrack of my life, anyway. I think the PillBugs would be a fine choice to open for them... Another cool thing: at the merch table, they were selling the double-vinyl "Welcome to the Infant Freebase", and I snagged it. Does anyone know if TSOOL recently replaced its drummer? The first time I saw these guys was on the Letterman show a few months ago--- and the drummer looked like a young balding Bob Newhart. The opening bands were: * PALO ALTO. This LA based band sounded to me like a punched up Travis, with some solid melodic songs and good playing. Maybe a little too dreamy for me in the long run, but I bought the CD just the same. * The CAESARS--- I think at one point they called themselves the TWELVE CAESARS. In their flyers, the band is compared to the White Stripes. The Caesars came out and must have done twice the number of songs as Palo Alto with the same set length. Short, sharp songs---and a couple of killer hooks. I didn't think I'd ever heard anything by them until they blistered into "I'm Gonna Kick You Out (and Let the Sunshine In)" which was on a comp I got from Mike Hodges recently (thanks again, Mike!). Joe Field Flying Colors Comics & Other Cool Stuff Concord CA Free Comic Book Day is May 3! Bring all your friends!