C'mon guys, leave poor Denis De Young alone. For better or worse he was the heart of Styx for a long time. Can't say I loved every De Young song, but he did write some good tunes. Okay, he was way over the top sometimes and probably had an inflated view of his own importance (see his Broadway stuff like 10 on Broadway), but that about describes every 80's rocker. I too think the band really picked up when Tommy Shaw joined (Crystal Ball). I think he's a bit under-rated as a songwriter/performer. Seven Deadly Zens is a fine solo record. --- Brian Curtis wrote: > Dale, > > I wouldn't pull your leg about such a thing. I too > have a soft spot for > Styx, although I tend to prefer the pre-Grand > Illusion days or Tommy Shaw's > material from anytime. And Glen Burtnik has scored > major bonus points for > his "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye" from the recent > Cyclorama CD. > DeYoung, on the other hand, has been lumped into my > list of vocalists with > annoying delivery, a list which coincidentally > includes REO's Kevin Cronin. > God, the horror imaginable if those two were to do a > duet! I think I'd > rather hear Eric Cartman caterwauling "Come Sail > Away." (That still makes > me laugh.) > > Brioohs > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more http://tax.yahoo.com