>> Another thing that Bruce's list turned me on to was Spock's Beard "Snow". >> Fantastic! If you are old enough (or brave enough) to admit enjoying "The >> Lamb Lies Down on Broadway", or Nektar's "Remember the Future"......and you > >> wonder what they would sound like if Scott Sax & Feel wrote/recorded them > in >> 2002....you need to check this out. > > Seconded! I'd heard a lot of good things about this album, but I'd never > heard anything by Spock's Beard, and the only first-hand praise I'd received > about them was, oddly enough, from Marty Willson-Piper, during an interview > I did with him for Amplifier a year or two back. (He's a big prog-rock > fan.) But Bruce's recommendation was enough to set me on the path of > investigation. I love it...! But what I *really* want to know is...from my Top 20 list, who went out and picked up the Hellacopters "Cream Of The Crap" cd from that list?! Bruce, the old punker