Didn't someone else mention when I pimped this album -- available on eMusic, incidentally -- a couple of weeks ago that JJ Rassler had released singles with a couple of garage bands in Philadelphia in the mid-'60s? Then you've got the DMZ, who helped kickstart the '80s garage rock revival, and now the Downbeat 5. I'm not up on my local gossip, but Jen Rassler is a youngster. Not as young as Damone's singer, Noelle, who is all of 17, but she looks like she can't be older than 25 or 26, and obviously JJ must be into his 50s by now. Turns out she's his wife, but I could have sworn she was his daughter the first time I saw them! (Something tells me that my 14-years-my-senior wife would accuse me of hypocrisy here, but I'm just sayin', Jen's both a kid and a looker.) S At 02:45 PM 4/3/2003 -0500, marmil@MUZE.com wrote: >Stewart - > >I must have missed that - what were the other ones? > >Marc > > >At 02:38 PM 4/3/2003 -0500, marmil@MUZE.com wrote: >>Stewart - re: Ism - >>Is that the band the Jen & JJ Rassler (ex-DMZ) are in? > >That's the one. As has been pointed out, JJ Rassler has now been a part of >three different garage rock scenes. > >S > > >