And my point still stands. Someone mentioned it might be part of her contract not to voice certain politcal opinions. I doubt that but suppose it's possible in which case she shouldn't have violated said contract if she willingly signed it. She was perhaps pressured into apologizing but not forced. What could they do to her if she didn't? Threaten to hold back roaylties? Well tough. When someone makes a strong statement they have to be willing to stand by that statement and all the ramifications that follow. If they aren't willing to do so then maybe they should keep quiet. It's up to the individual where his ethics and beliefs lie. I do not feel that she was censored by anyone in any way unless she was threatened with Saddam style torture. Again, I highly doubt record execs have reached that level. And many individuals HAVE withstood torture for their beliefs. So I sure as heck am not going to feel sorry for a singer who knuckles under to record company pressure. Were the other two Dixie Chicks brought before her and had their limbs cut off to get her to talk? As always, it's one more cushy celebrity who can't deal with every day life and its consequences. Karen Shawn Campbell not Raod Angel said: Maines was forced (almost certainly by her record company or management) to back off from the statement she had made because of fear that her comments would hurt record or concert ticket sales. Maines, placed in a position where her livlihood was threatened, was forced to recant her remarks (in painful legal-speak, as mentioned). Her employer basically forced her to censor herself (admittedly after the fact). That sucks.