I don't think anyone is scared or threatened by Michael Moore (I'm guessing very easy to outrun if he chased you) or a Dixie Chick. Maybe they just um, disagree? A novel concept for some these days. Why is is other people are so afraid of someone else who may have another opinion? If a Dixe Chick or anyone else wants to state her mind no problem, but she's got to have the guts to stand by what she says and not back down when her fans don't like what she says. People bigger and greater than her and Michael Moore have lived (and died) by their convictions despite dissenting views. She apparently can not. You shouldn't let Freedom Friesfrighten you (except for the usual problems greasy food can cause). SPAM...now THAT's scary! Karen flamingo@theworld.com (Stewart Mason) wrote: I just wish the people who are pissing and moaning about the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore or "freedom fries" would just come out and say what they really mean: "It scares and threatens me when people say things I don't agree with and that makes me sad." S