It is only a form of censporship if said Dixie Chick was forbidden from speaking. Just as she has the right to speak as she wishes, her record buyers have the right not to buy her records for whatever reason. Or are we now forced to listen music we don't care to in order to protect her rights? Do you think she apologized for any other reason other than being afraid she'd ticked off her C&W audience and would lose money in record sales? Her sincerity of her original comments were trampled by the phony sincerity of her apology. If she realy believed in what she said she never would have taken it back. Karen Road Angel wrote: I congratulate the female country stars who are willing to stand up for their beliefs. I'm just sorry that conservatives cannot understand that dissent is one of the things that makes America great. "The land of the FREE," anyone? And whether you like to admit it or not, when a person chooses to express him- or herself, and then his or her livlihood is threatened because of his or her expression of that belief, that IS a form of censorship.