I haven't heard the new album, but, wow, I'm certainly hearing incredibly diverse opinions. Either people think it's a full-on return to his "Look Sharp!" era and the best thing he's done in a decade or two, or, like both Jason and whoever reviewed it for Entertainment Weekly, they think it's a tremendous disappointment. I'm getting more and more curious all the time...but, simultaneously, it's harder to take the leap of faith to buy it... -----Original Message----- From: DanAbnrml9@aol.com [mailto:DanAbnrml9@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:07 AM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: New Joe Jackson So out of curiosity, does anyone else that the new Joe Jackson disc is a huge disappointment? I mean, I didn't expect much since most of his output since "Night and Day" has been indulgent and often frankly awful (the two exceptions, I believe, are the pretty-good, not-great "Big World" and "Laughter and Lust" albums), but with the reunited lineup and the renewed interest in making pop music, well, I was expecting something at least listenable. But if this is a return to any old Joe Jackson sound, IMO, it's the sound of "Blaze of Glory"--yes, it's "pop" music, but the songs have uniformly bland and undeveloped hooks, plus the band seems to lack even the hint of a spark. Yes, it sounds like they're trying to sound like a cross between "Night and Day" and "Look Sharp"--and they're trying way too hard. On a semi-related note, does anyone know why "Beat Crazy" is like, impossible to find? I would've rather had a reissue of that. --Jason