I don't know what the bonus tracks are, however, the first of the remixed tracks has actually been released already. The Weeds allowed us the use of "Ready and Waiting" on our comp CD "Pu Pu Platter." Along with this song are 14 other gems from bands that have played in MyDiningRoom, including the original "My Boyfriend," by The Cucumbers (never released on CD), "Puff Daddy isn't Kosher," by The Rosenbergs, "Doubt," by The Marlowes (no longer in print, I believe), and cuts by Nixon's Head, Kelly's Heels, and The Bigger Lovers (among others). Full details are available at our site, www.mydiningroom.com. And - if you're in the neighborhood (central NJ) this Sunday - The Churchills will be performing. Music starts at 3PM, followed by a barbecue. The show will be recorded for future transmission on Internet radio. Alternatively, you could watch the war or NCAAs, but why get depressed? Ira