In a message dated 3/27/03 4:28:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > As for pop music, who can tell me about Flashcube Gary Frenay's > 97 solo release "Jigsaw People"? Good, great or just more of > that crappy power-pop I keep hearing about? And a peek into the > archives dredged up a tape-only issue from Frenay called > "Songbook 1978-1980". I presume that one's so rare only CC > has a copy...or...? > Aw, there must be SOMEONE else with a copy, right...? The Songbook was an anthology of Gary's work '78-1990 (not '80), including stuff with The Flashcubes and Screen Test. It includes a few 'Cubes tracks not used on the Bright Lights CD (including one of my favorites, "Born To Cry"); the Screen Test stuff is pretty much unavailable elsewhere, though Air Mail is supposed to do a Screen Test anothology at some point. The cassette also includes "Syracuse Summer" by The Tearjerkers, which is Gary's sublime attempt to write a Beach Boys-style ode to the mercurial Central New York climate. I like Jigsaw People quite a bit (and it even includes one Flashcubes track, "You Only Get One Life"), but it's certainly mellower overall than The Flashcubes' records. CC! THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO Sunday nights from 9 to midnight Eastern USA time (with repeats all day Wednesday), on the web at Syracuse Community Radio