Michael Moore is a documented liar. I am so weary of this topic that I won't bother to belabor it. But two quickies: Bowling for Columbine: There is a scene where he makes it appear that he was able to buy a gun in one day. In fact it took him a month; the clerk originally said you CAN'T buy a gun in one day. A PA who worked on that bit of the movie disavowed her association with it due to the way it misrepresented the truth. Stupid White Men: When interviewed by Lou Dobbs on CNN and confronted with glaring inaccuracies in the book, he shrugged them off. "You can't criticize that stuff," he said. Dobbs, apparently a bit non-plussed, said, "What? Glaring inaccuracies?" And Moore says, "Hey, its all just comedy." It's all just comedy. Keep that in mind whenever you see his work. He is not a documentarian; he is a comedian. That comes straight from the horse's-- well, for the sake of argument, we'll say "mouth." I mean no malice to anyone here. I'm just so sick of the guy. All he does is climb to the highest step and scream the loudest. That doesn't make his positions right (although truth be told, I'd probably agree with most of them if not for the second part here) nor does it mean he is telling the truth.