At 04:22 PM 3/27/2003 -0600, Bill Silvers wrote: >Not that it should matter any more than the rest of this interminable >thread should matter to lovers of insanely great pop, but the "apology" >cited is from a clever, however stereotypically condescending, parody site: > > Thanks, Bill, for making that clear to everyone. As others have said, the disturbing thing (to me) isn't that Ms. Maines said what she said in the first place, but that she took it back in such a craven manner. My guess is that the label, panicked publicists, and assorted other flacks convinced her that those remarks jeopardized the Chicks' commercial survival. It's sorta analogous to Ty Herndon's romp in the park several years back and how that's been spun a thousand different ways since then -- country labels aren't ready for full-on critiques of hawks or open homosexual behavior. The fans probably aren't either, but they're really not given a chance to make that choice for themselves. One of the side issues the Chicks thing has brought up, here and on other lists, is people dismissing their music and abilities out of hand. The Chicks are hardly a Milli Vanilli-type manufactured, untalented act -- all three women can sing and play, and can do so very well. Natalie is the daughter of steel guitar virtuoso Lloyd Maines, for gosh sakes. I'll admit that their selection of material is sometimes market-oriented, but sometimes it's promisingly not. That latter "sometimes" puts them far ahead of most big-selling country acts. >np The V-Roys ARE YOU THROUGH YET? Now there's ya a great album. later, Miles