Every singer who has not said something regrettable onstage, raise your hand. I don't imagine that Natalie Maines meant to make a strong statement with her remark, one that would need to be "backed up." What probably felt to her like an informal quip of between song banter has turned much bigger than she ever meant it to. Imagine yourself onstage in front of a recent British audience. You're in front of a crowd that everyone knows has been very vocal about their opposition to our, and their own government's recent decisions, and who you get the feeling might be under the false impression that President Bush is the quintessential Texan. We can be behind our President all we want, but one can not ignore the fact that President Bush's actions and motives are viewed with skepticism by the majority citizens in many nations at best, and as a liar at worst. He is characterized by most world cartoonists as a cowboy, who shoots first and asks questions later. Most of the world, does not get their news from Fox News. The English get it from Sky News and the BBC who ask tough questions our journalists just won't. The perception overseas is one of cynicism about America. They report regularly on how Bush, Rumsfeld et. al. claimed Iraq was building nuclear weapons, had links to Al Qaeda, etc. and in lieu of providing solid evidence tried to pass off what had been shown to be falsified, even plagiarized reports, non-credible reports. Now that all other reasons have been shot through, we're now pushing on anyway, "Liberating" and "Nation Building", implementing a policy that President Bush himself derided in the 2000 election. So whether you're with him or not, it's all been a bit embarrassing - at least if you find yourself overseas, away from the Fox/CNN cocoon. Even our President's poor command of the English language would be an embarrassment for some people standing before an English audience. If I wasn't embarrassed by the President I would at least be embarrassed by the false impression people have that Texans are bellicose people who can't speak well and act on minimal information [of course being able to act on minimal information is often a prime requirement for "leadership."] Unfortunately for Ms. Maines, she's a celebrity and her toss off meant to endear her to the English crowd was quickly taken out of context and interpreted as a formal declaration of anti-Americanism. It wasn't. But these are touchy times we're living in. Careful what you say. Especially if you're in any way in public, i.e. onstage. The war and its rhetoric are breeding extremism in many forms, here and abroad. Peace, Carl NP Ryan Adams "Nuclear" - a great power pop song to me.