The only beef I have is the fact that Moore used the Oscars (which is supposed to be an awards show) to voice his complaints on the war. If I wanted to hear his rant and political viewpoints I'd go see his damn movie! All I was expecting to hear was an acceptance speech for his Oscar. I'm also bitter that the massive anit-war rallies here in SF probably did more harm than good by: 1) Turning those who were probably on the fence w/ the whole issue to a pro-war stance 2) Creating havoc for thousands of law-abiding citizens who were just trying to get to work! If you have a problem with the war, go bitch on the steps of the White House...or in Crawford Texas! Don't mess up daily life in a city that has nothing to do w/ a national/international decision. Ok, let's talk about music again.... Jeff << Subject: Re: artists and protest (was dixie chicks axis of evil blah blah) Message-ID: <> ~~um. celebrities? i guess i think it's cool that you think michael moore has achieved 'celebrity' status. he is a filmmaker/average citizen who has been trying to show how various policies/institutions affect the average american -- mostly not for the good. also, are celebrities NOT american citizens? why would you exempt them from having an opinion and being able to share it?? i think it's great that someone who has access to a large amount of people uses that to try and change things. as far as michael's comments at the oscars, i unfortunately didn't get to see them. i read some quotes after the fact, and i think it's great that he spoke his mind...isn't that what america is all about? as far as politicians getting involved with music -- ummm?? PMRC? lieberman and many others saying 'marilyn manson' was the cause for the columbine tragedy?? they often have PLENTY to say where music is concerned. the first amendment rules!! jocelyn >>