Doesn't David have a prior history of erratic behavior when it comes to his music -- that is, discs are available, then they aren't, he's going to record a new one, then he's never going to record again, etc.? Whatever is at the root of this problem, I hope that he can resolve it and get things squared away. His cult of fans is so rabid, and I'm sure he's grateful, but there has to be something that has thrown a spanner in the works that we may never know about. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at >From: "Harris, Will" >Reply-To: >To: "''" >Subject: Re: David Grahame album being pulled >Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:00:56 -0500 > >WHAT? I just got an E-mail yesterday...two E-mails, in fact...! > >I even sent an E-mail asking for details, like the E-mail(s) I received >suggested I should... > >What, pray tell, is David Grahame's deal? And I don't mean that in an >insulting way; I mean, seriously, what's the deal that he'd pull the CD >after all the hype and independent promotion that's been done on his behalf >by his friends, fans, and, yes, even his distributors? > >-----Original Message----- >From: Craig Leve [] >Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:54 AM >To: '' >Subject: FW: David Grahame album being pulled > > >I just received this ....anyone know what gives? Very disappointing, to be >sure. > >-craig > >-----Original Message----- >From: [] >Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:40 AM >To: Craig Leve >Subject: David Grahame album being pulled > > >To all prospective buyers: > >David Grahame's "DT & The Disagreeables" will not be released. >All checks will be shredded should they arrive at Dog Turner Records. They >will NOT be cashed. > >David Grahame regrets this unfortunate path of action and apologizes to >anyone who is truly into the indy pop scene for the music. > >There will be no more albums in the future available to anyone asscociated >with the indy pop community. > >In short...there are just too many idiots. > >Dog Turner Records > _________________________________________________________________ Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.