Heads up... > Everyone should run out and rent the DVD named "Deterrence", starring Kevin > Pollack. It is a wonderful little film that flew under the radar when it was > released years ago. > Don't want to spoil it for any one, so suffice it to say that it is > relevant, intriguing, and has one of the best finishes in memory. > A little film, most of it takes place in a diner, more like a stage play > than Hollywood blockbuster, but the payoff is sweet, and comforting in the > light of current events. > I cannot recommend it highly enough. > It's also available on VHS, and, if the Movie Channels have a brain in their > collective head, should be running on cable for the foreseeable future. > > bib > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "John Fraser" + > > > > > --- In canadianclassicrock@yahoogroups.com, "Greg Simpson" < > > gregsimpson2001@r...> wrote: > > , yet he is free to put not only his nation but the entire world > > > at risk for the sake of lowering the price of gas by a nickel. > > > > Does anyone know if the movie NO NUKES is on video??? If you didn't see > > it, and you have the chance... do so... > > > > What a great time to rei$$ue that puppy into the theatre's.... and > > where is Ralph Nader these days.... another passing I'm not aware > > of....