White House adds Dixie Chicks to "Axis of Evil" Posted by Big Brother on 2003/3/16 4:36:07 (NewsHax wire) Today The Dixie Chicks joined Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Martin Sheen in "Axis of Evil" status, as White House spokesmen reacted to remarks made by Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines during a London concert appearance. Natalie was quoted as saying, "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas," to which the London audience roared its approval. Said White House press secretary Ari Fleishman regarding Natalie, lead singer of the popular country trio, "She may have disagreed with us, but she really crossed the line when she messed with Texas. That didn't sit well with the president, big time. Her Texas visa will be revoked immediately." Country music fans were outraged and voiced their displeasure of the Dixie Chicks for using the popularity and the politically pure medium of country music to disseminate their own opinions. (more...) In Bossier City, La., radio station KRMD even organized a "Tribute to American Freedom" publicity event, which consisted of running over Dixie Chick CDs with a tractor. "They have no rights to tell me what to think," said an angry fan interviewed at the radio stations patriotic CD crushing, "So to tell them what I think, I came here to destroy their CDs. Hopefully this will learn them about speaking their minds." When asked about other ideological based book burnings in the past, such as heavily practiced in Nazi Germany and most recently by the Taliban, participants answered by pelting the media with beer bottles. Responding to press conference questions regarding the protest music burnings and CD smashing events happening all over the midwest, Natalie turned to her agent and whispered, "Were they paid for?" He nodded affirmatively as Natalie quietly smiled to herself.