Brian Kassan said: <<>> I have my vinyl collection intact but rarely play them. in fact, this is kind of sick, but over the past 3-4 years I've picked up about 100 vinyl LPs on the cheap - .00 to 2.00 each - and i've maybe listened to about 3-4 of them. is that sick or what? i guess i have collectitis - i like to collect just for the sake of collecting. which is probably why i can't seem to part with any of the old vinyl. the most action it is now getting is when my 18 month old daughter pulls them off the shelf and drops them on the carpet (the shelves are at her height). the first time she went to grab an LP off the shelf, i remember thinking -- her first selection will determine her listening habits for years to come. but to my chagrin, she pulled ZZTop - Fandango! yikes! and you may ask, why do I have ZZ Top's Fandango? back to the collectitis thing - I can't bear to part with anything, even the jr high school stuff that i haven't listened to or liked since jr high school. (although i have some Slade and Mott and Queen and other cool stuff from jr high school that i'm glad i didn't pitch. The MC5 LP w American Ruse is another oldie but goodie that immediately comes to mind!) Brian mentioned the shorter listening time, but in a lot of cases this might be a plus -- i often think CDs are too long, as if bands throw lesser work on the CD to fill it up just cause they can. I also miss the side one/pause to flip it over/side two thing - like a 2 act play. there is something about the timing and flow, and the way it forced bands to compartmentalize the songs, that i think was a good thing. now all the songs just shmoosh together. ah, well, i'm showing my age... on the flip side of the discussion (pun intended), i do not miss the act of getting up and turning over the LP. and i love the convenience of being able to zoom from track 1 to 4 to 7 to 3, etc.....